Hanging Art Not Looking That Good in Bedroom? Correct following mistakes.

Hanging Art

Art has always remained an integral part of home decoration. No other piece of decor possesses enough beauty and classiness to be a replacement of hanging art. There is no end to options and ideas for choosing a hanging art. You can easily choose an art that emanate your emotions, personality and mood. Hanging art is available in plentiful abstract sizes and vibrant colors. Even a black and white photograph gives the impression of being great on the gallery wall of your bedroom.

hanging art

Mistakes to avoid while doing Artwork in Bedroom

Be it a painting, photograph of kids, a family photo, sketch, Polaroid, your kid’s artwork or an art print, you choose it carefully. Still, sometimes you feel that something is missing or the hanging art looks less beautiful than you were expecting. Maybe you have made some mistakes. Most probably, you have made one of the following mistakes.

May Be It’s Too High

An art hanging too high above the sofa or a bed looks awkward. Hanging art hanging miles above the level of eyes sometimes looks distasteful. This is the most common mistakes homeowners make while hanging art on walls. This mistake is not too difficult to correct. Simply remove the hanging art from the wall and walk through the bedroom for finding the right spot and right height.

wrong size interior

Wrong Size

You cannot get the expected results by hanging something too small where you should cover a little more space. Too big also does not look great. Choosing the hanging art of wrong size is also a common mistake. What to do now? Are you going to fork out for a new hanging art? You can use same small art in a larger frame having beautiful boundaries. The best thing you can do is to choose the right size. Hang small art where small looks perfect and hang big where big looks great.

Too Much Of Matching

matching interior

Don’t just confine to the colors of wall and other areas of the bedroom. A mix of cool colors quickly gets noticed and also admired by visitors. It is not written in textbooks of interior design that there should be no break in the color scheme of the room.

Lack of Variety

lack of variety

When you are hanging the same type of hanging art on every wall of the bedroom it looks boring. There should be an art gallery effect in the bedroom. Hang tapestries and use framed art and canvases. Oil painting, miniature painting, calligraphy, handmade Suzani, antique Looking Brass Incense Burner, brass candle holder, brass wall hanging, Suzani embroidery cover; there is no restriction on the options you can use.

Filling Every Wall

wall decor

Wisely used hanging art can showcase impressive beauty on the walls of your bedroom. However, do not fill every wall with pieces of art. Don’t make the walls of the bedroom cluttered with pieces of art. You have plenty of beautiful options. However, you cannot hang every piece of art on every wall.

Apart from these mistakes, sometimes, homeowners stick everything to walls. Put different arts at different places. Avoid these mistakes and redecorate your bedroom to get the results you expect.

Author Bio: Arts define the looks of your house in a way which never fails to impress. Rustam Fayziev is a professional home décor blogger who has experienced the beauty of arts & painting personally at https://www.alesouk.com/ and writes all about it.


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