How to Build an Eco-Friendly Pond in your Garden?

Many people dream of building an eco-friendly pond which will be a pleasant place to sit by in the garden while also supporting local wildlife and your own created fish community – but building a pond which works with the environment takes time and planning.
There are a wide number of factors to think about if you want to create a natural eco-pond which will support not only your fish but a number of other natural elements as well – you need to consider the impact which each element could have.
Factors to consider before building an eco-friendly Pond
1. What could impact on your pond?
You need to think about all of the natural life which could impact the pond, from your pet cat to birds, from insects to the plants in your garden – all of these living elements will have an impact on how well your pond works.
Other aspects to consider include the type of soil you have in the garden, any chemicals in the water and risk of debris falling into the pond from nearby garden features such as trees, or rock gardens which would have a negative effect.
2. Is your pond the right size?
You also need to consider if your garden is the right size for a pond which will happily support life – the pond needs to be deep to provide a suitable environment for most fish, so they don’t get too hot in the summer or freeze in the winter – you need to know you can dig deep enough on the site you have chosen.
3. Adding plants to your pond
One of the best ways to help make your pond eco-friendly is to add plants to the water which will create a natural environment and attract insects and other creatures. They can provide shelter, oxygen, food and also act as a deterrent for algae growth so choose your plants carefully and the life in your pond will naturally balance.
Some plants, such as Water Lettuce, can also help to work as a natural filter for your pond, maintaining balance in the water by removing unwanted chemicals – but make sure they don’t take over the environment entirely.
4. Choosing the right fish
One of the key choices for your pond is which fish to buy – you need a mixture of fish but try to avoid those which are avid breeders as you don’t want your pond to become over populated as this will throw the balance and result in excess waste in the water.
Some fish are great at eating surface debris which helps you to keep the pond clean so having some which thrive in this way could be very useful. Choose fish which will thrive in the environment you have created and remove any sick or dead fish immediately to keep the pond clean.
5. Keeping your pond clear of debris
While you want to keep your eco-friendly pond as natural as possible, one thing to consider when building it is where to put it to avoid any excess debris. Siting your pond underneath a tree might seem like a pretty location but if that tree sheds all its leaves in the winter your pond will become a nightmare to look after.
You need to be able to clear debris from the pond daily so when building it, think about how you are going to access the pond to keep it clean and clear – you don’t want to end up falling in by accident so consider this when planning the build.
6. Make sure you include a good filtration system
Your eco-friendly pond will still need a helping hand from a few mechanical systems to help keep it operating at its best and this includes a filtration system which will help to remove any debris and dirt from the water. Some pond supplies stores can supply you with bio-filters to make sure it is in keeping with the pond’s eco-friendly approach.
As you clear the filter you can use the waste products as compost for your garden as it will be rich in nutrients from the fish waste so another eco-friendly advantage for your environment.
7. Incorporate a water pump system
For a pond to be healthy the water needs to be constantly circulating to move the oxygen around and reduce toxic build-up at the bottom so as part of your build, make sure you include a pump system to keep the pond water circulating and aerated regularly. This will help to keep your eco-friendly pond in balance.
Building an eco-friendly pond is not rocket science and with a bit of forward planning, and regular maintenance once it has been built, your pond will serve you well and provide a natural environment which not only helps to support aquatic life but creates a magical part of the garden for you and your family to enjoy as well.
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